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Working From Home Tips

It’s easily done when we get into a routine that is not ideal for our productivity! Our habits can build up and it takes time to change them, but these simple steps can help you to slowly bring focus back to growing your business.

1. Make a 'To Do List' every day!

This might seem simple but giving yourself clearer goals for the day can help you be more structured in how you spend your time. Have you created SMART goals for yourself to aim towards? If not these can help you to become a lot more productive, as having long term and short term goals will define your working day.

2. Designate your workspace.

Whether it be on your dining room table or in your own office make sure that for the hours you want to work you have a clear work space defined for you. Have your set up, with every tool and device you will need to complete your job in one place. Having to search for your mouse and keyboard at the start of each day will not set you up for a productive time.

3. Use Technology.

Use technology to save you time and money! Have you used an inbox organiser to stop you spending hours organising your inbox? Try Sanebox. Have you begun to schedule your social media posts to go out automatically? Why not use Hootsuite. or Buffer’s free trials. We can help you find the technology to help automate your tiresome tasks that are eating into your work day.

4. Remove the distractions.

Once you have your workspace, remove the distractions from around it. That pile of books? Back on the shelf please. The laundry? In another room for now. Your time to focus on your work is now, a clear space leads to a clear mind.

5. Take breaks!

Sounds counterproductive? The science says not! It can feel bad to step away from your desk during working hours, especially if you have set your hours. However, taking that quick step away to refresh your mind will work wonders on your overall productivity. Our focus levels will vary throughout the day, and this is completely normal. The best way to combat a wandering mind is to vary your day. This could involve planning breaks for each hour to walk and get a glass of water, or to mix up the tasks you are completing from your to do list.

If you struggle with any of these tasks it's time to reach out for help, our expertise comes in organisation and prioritisation of tasks to help you achieve more with every day. We can help you create a goal orientated work day that will grow your business.

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